Sunday, September 11, 2011

Alert and Ready

I believe this is a 'bad composition' due to the following reasons:
The cat, who is fondly called Princeton after the Ivy League University, is sitting alert, ready for action. When the viewer, like yourself, sees this photo, they are instantly drawn to Princeton and his serious state of being. However, because of this, they fail to notice the table on which he is positioned. They also fail to notice the background setting of the composition. Upon further examination, they notice that Princeton is indeed sitting on a patio table. Once they notice the table, they'll notice the chair that matches the table. Upon noticing the chair, they'll perhaps look further. In doing so, they will notice that there is a porch with railings behind chair. There are also shrubs and a tip of a window to the left side of the screen.
Since, therefore, most viewers probably do not notice the elements upon first and perhaps even second or third glance, I believe this picture is a 'bad composition;' for all they see is a cat that is 'Alert and Ready,' thus failing to move about the composition.

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