Sunday, September 11, 2011

Raise Your Eyes to the Stars

I believe this is a 'good composition' because of the following reasons:
A).There is repetition with colors of red and white. There is also repetition of the white stars.
B). There is variation in the presentation of lines. The horizontal lines of the stripes do not match-up. Therefore, the variate on how they are presented.
C). There is movement due to the large fold of material to the left of the composition: the fold pulls the eyes of the viewer towards the stars, therefore causing them to 'raise their eyes to the stars."
D). The composition is also asymmetrical. This adds an element of question and quest.
E). The shapes are also variant. Though on a traditional flag the stripes would line-up perfectly with each other, this is not the case in this composition. The stripes, instead, do not line-up perfectly but rather disjoint themselves. This, therefore, causing the viewer to wander across the composition. Also, the folds and shapes of the star section are not presented in a 'traditional manner.' Again, this causes the viewer to examine closely the content of the upper right hand corner.

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